
2015   Cologne Commentary on Space Law, Vol. III, Co-author, Commentary on the Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space,pp. 88 – 188.

2013   J. of Space L., Editor-in-Chief, Volume 39, No.  1.

2012   J. of Space L., Editor-in-Chief, Volume 38, Nos.  1 and 2.

2011   J. of Space L., Editor-in-Chief, Volume 37, Nos. 1 and 2.

2010   J. of Space L., Editor-in-Chief, Volume 36, Nos. 1 and 2.

2009   J. of Space L., Editor-in-Chief, Volume 35, Nos. 1 and 2.

J. of Space L., Vol. 35, No. 2, was translated into Chinese by the Harbin Institute of Technology School of Law and published in The Space Law Review, Vol. 4.

2008   J. of Space L., Editor-in-Chief, Volume 34, Nos. 1 and 2.

2007   J. of Space L., Editor-in-Chief, Volume 33, Nos. 1 and 2.

2006   J. of Space L., Editor-in-Chief, Volume 32, Nos. 1 and 2.

2005   J. of Space L., Editor-in-Chief, Volume 31, Nos. 1 and 2.

2004   J. of Space L., Editor-in-Chief, Volume 30, Nos. 1 and 2.

2003   J. of Space L., Editor-in-Chief, Volume 29, Nos. 1 and 2.

Books Edited

2001 – 2002

Proceedings, The First International Conference on the State of Remote Sensing Law (The Nat’l Remote Sensing and Space Law Center U. of Miss. Law Center). ISBN 0 – 9720432 – 3 – 3; 265 pages.

The United Nations Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Space: A Legislative History — Interviews of Members of the United States Delegation, (The Nat’l Remote Sensing and Space Law Center U. of Miss. Law Center). ISBN 0 – 9720432 – 1 – 7; 183 pages.

Gabrynowicz, et al, The Remote Sensing Industry: A CEO Forum, (The Nat’l Remote Sensing and Space Law Center U. of Miss. Law Center). ISBN 0 – 9720432 – 2 – 5;  166 pages.

Gabrynowicz, et al, Landsat 7: Past, Present and Future, (The Nat’l Remote Sensing and Space Law Center U. of Miss. Law Center). ISBN 0 – 9720432 – 0 – 9; 396 pages.

Gabrynowicz, et al, Remote Sensing and Space Law Bibliography (The Nat’l Remote Sensing and Space Law Center U. of Miss. Law Center). ISBN 0 – 9720432 – 5 – X; 81 pages.


Symposium, What is the Value of Space Exploration? – A Prairie     Perspective, (U. of North Dakota)

Book Chapters


The U.N. Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space and Soft Law, in Soft Law in Outer Space: The Function of Non-      Binding Norms in International Space Law, ed. Irmgard Marboe, Böhlau Verlag, Vienna

The Law of Remote Sensing, in Encyclopedia of Remote Sensing, ed. Eni          G. Njoku, Springer Reference, Berlin



Limiting Future Collision Risk to Spacecraft: An Assessment of NASA’s Meteoroid and Orbital Debris Programs, National Research Council, invited legal expert.



Some Legal Considerations Regarding the Future of Space Governance, Georgia Journal of  International and Comparative Law, Vol. 48, No. 3


The Issue is: What is a Spaceport?, Air and Space Lawyer, Vol 24, No. 1, with Maria Zulick Nucci

Manfred Lachs and His Writings on the Law of Outer Space, Manfred Lachs — Wybitny Prawnik Swiata, with Sara M. Langston, University of Warsaw School of Law.

A Chronological Survey of the Development of Art. IX of the Outer Space  Treaty, Special Topics in Aerospace Law Series, No. 3, with Sara M. Langston,  National  Center for Remote Sensing, Air and Space Law, ISBN -978-0-9720432-8-1


One-Half Century and Counting: The Evolution of U.S. National Space Law and Three Long-term Emerging Issues, Harvard Law & Policy Review, 4 Harv. L. & Pol’y Rev.  901 (2010)

This article was translated into Japanese by Prof. Setsuko Aoki, Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University and published by Keio University, Tokyo, Japan.

Science and Diplomacy, John C. Whitehead School of Diplomacy and International Relations at Seton Hall University Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Summer 2010, in press, with Frans von der Dunk, Robert Harding, Henry Herzfeld.


Legal Certification of Digital Data: The Earth Resources Observation And Science Data Center Project , 33 J. Space L. 193, with Ronald J. Rychlak and Rick Crowsey.


The Outer Space Treaty and Enhancing Space Security, Conference Report, Building the Architecture for Sustainable Space Security, UN Institute for Disarmament Research, UNIDIR/2006/17


International and U.S Remote Sensing Law and Policy: An Overview

ISPRS Journal, Remote Sensing Arabia: for the Betterment of People

The Perils of Landsat from Grassroots to Globalization: A Comprehensive Review of U.S. Remote Sensing Law with a Few Thoughts for the Future,     CHI. J. INT’L L.

Space Law: Its Cold War Origins and Challenges in the Era of  Globalization, 37 Suffolk U. L.  Rev. 1043

An Introduction to Space Law for Decision Makers, 30 J. Space L. 227, with Jacqueline Etil Serrao


Something New Under the Sun: The National Remote Sensing and Space Law Center, The Air and Space Law. (ABA F. on Air and Space Law, Chicago, IL.), Fall, at 8.


The Work of the U.S. National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data  Archive Committee: 1998 – 2000, 17 Space Policy 49


Defining Data Availability For Commercial Remote Sensing Systems Under United States Federal Law, 23 Annals of Air and Space Law 93


Earth Observations: the View from the Ground, 13 Space Policy 229


Commercial High-Altitude Unpiloted Aerial Remote Sensing: Some Legal Considerations, 62 Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 275.


R.Vetter, M.Ali, M. Daily, J. & Gabrynowicz, et al, Accessing Earth System   Science Data and Applications Through High-Bandwidth Networks, 13 IEEE J. on Selected Areas in Communications, 793

Dual Use Data: Remote Sensing’s Post Cold War Challenge, 12 Space    Watch 10.

The Global Land 1-KM AVHRR Project: An Emerging Model for Earth Observations Institutions, 16 Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote      Sensing, 153.


The Changing Nature of Civil Space in the Clinton Era,  Space Times Vol. 33, No. 2, Mar/Apr., 20-21.


The Progress and Promise of the Land Remote Sensing Policy Act of 1992, 9 Space Policy, 319.


Space and the New Secretary-General, Earth Space Review, Vol. 1, Issue 4, October, 5.

Earth Observations: Bringing Space Policy from the Industrial Age to the Space Age 8 Space Policy, 167.


Jones, E., Quigg, P., & Gabrynowicz, J., The Space Settlement Papers 39 J. of the British Interplanetary Society 291

Book Chapters

2012  The U.N. Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space and Soft Law, in Soft Law in Outer Space – The Function of Non-binding Norms in International Space Law, Irmgard Marboe, editor, University of Vienna, Boehlau, Wien.



The Meaning of Mars, e-Interntional Relations,


Remote Sensing Law and Policy, Space News, Oct. 22,  at 19.

Law, Practicality and Landsat Data Continuity, Space News, Feb. 19, at    13.


Space Power and Law Power, Space News, July 21, at 15.


Redefining the Moon Treaty, Space News, Mar. 30 – Apr. 5, at 15.


The Inconsistent Legal Landscape, Space News, January 9-15, at 15.

A Turning Point, Space News, July 31-August 6, at 15.


Remote Sensing Policy Deja Vu, Space News, September 12-18, at 15.


U.S. Sees the Light on Landsat, Space News, February 1-7, at 15.


Wrong Move at the Wrong Time,Space News, May 27-June 2, at 19.


DoD’s Legal Space Presence, Space News, May 7-13, at 16.

The Landsat Act is a Failure, Space News, July 16-22, at 15.



Comments on Space Law and Remote Sensing Activities, Proceedings of  the Workshop on Space Law “Disseminating And Developing International And National Space Law: The Latin America And Caribbean Perspective”  ST/SPACE/28


Expanding Global Remote Sensing Services: Three Fundamental Considerations, Space Law in the 21st Century, at 97, U.N. Off. of Outer   Space Aff., &  Int’l Inst. of Space L.,  U.N. Doc. ST/SPACE/2.


Remote Sensing the Emerging Era, Space, Vision and Reality: Face to Face Proc. Rep. U.S. Space Found.


Gabrynowicz,et al, The Case for International Cooperation on Hypersonic Technology Development with  Fourth Int’l Aerospace Planes Conference,   Am. Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics.


Space Law and Feminist Jurisprudence,  Proc. of the 34th Colloquium on The Law of Outer Space, Am. Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics


Gabrynowicz,et al, Mission to Planet Earth: A Call to Repeal the Landsat   Act,  Earth Observations and Global Change Decision Making, Krieger Publishing


The Crisis of the Commons: A Turning Point, Proc. of the 31st Colloquium on The Law of Outer Space, Am. Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics

The “Province” and “Heritage” of Mankind Reconsidered: A New Beginning in Lunar Bases & Space Activities of the 21st Century


“Space Development and the American Experiment: A Context and Model for International Progress” Space Manufacturing 6, Nonterrestrial Resources, Biosciences, and Space Engineering, Am. Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics



Gabrynowicz,et al,SPACE.EDU: Space Studies Virtual Campus, Transactions, Am. Geophysical Union. Vol. 81, No. 48, at F294


The Science of Federalism: Past and Present, Toward an Earth Science   Enterprise Federation, Results from a Workshop, Nat’l Acad. Press

Teaching Remote Sensing Law via Distance Learning Technologies, IGARSS  Proc.


Earth Observation Networks: Laws, Policies, Institutions, Abstract Book Am. Ass‘n for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting,

Remote Sensing Law: Obstacle or Opportunity for Geographic Information  Systems?,  Nat’l Center for Geographic Info. and Analysis and the Center for the Ariz. St, U. College of Law, U. of Maine, Dept. of Spatial Info. Science and Engineering


Space Property Rights Reviewed and Reexamined, World Space Congress Int’l Aerospace Fed’n & COSPAR


The American Experiment: A Systems Approach to Human Government, Space Manufacturing 5, Nonterrestrial Resources, Biosciences, and Space Engineering, Am. Inst. of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Peer Reviewing


ICEARC Expert Panel Canada-India Research Centre of Excellence  proposal, Government of Canada, Montreal Quebec


Licensing Geographic Data and Services, Nat’l Research Council Committee on Licensing Geographic Data and Services, The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.


European Perspectives on Trends in Public Sector Earth Observation  Data Policies, Space Policy, Vol. 16, No. 1.,  45 – 59.


The Threat From—And To—Commercial Space Services, IEEE/Spectrum


A Hare Turned Tortoise: British Space Policy 1957-90 Quest-J. of  Spaceflight


Space Policy Alternatives, Space Policy, Vol. 9, No. 4,,  347-349.


Book review, Viewing the Earth–The Social Construction of the Landsat   Satellite System, IEEE/SPECTRUM, Vol. 29, No. 5, May, 8-12.


Book review, Breakout Into Space: Mission for a Generation, IEEE/SPECTRUM, Vol. 27, No.9, 12-13.


International Space Policy: Legal, Economic, and Strategic Options for the Twentieth Century & Beyond, 17 J. of Space Law 185



“Legal Regulatory Issues”,  Keynote Address, 16th Annual FAA Commercial Space Transportation Conference, Federal Aviation Administration, Washington, DC February 6.


Geolocational Privacy: Introduction and Context”, Department of the  Interior, National Geospatial Advisory Committee, Washington DC, September 18

Some International and U.S. Legal Aspects of Fostering Sustainable Satellite Servicing”, DARPA Fostering Sustainable, Satellite Servicing Conference, Arlington VA, June 26

UAVs, UASs, and Privacy: An Introduction”, UAS External Programs U.S. Army, Redstone Arsenal Monthly Teleconference, June 19

“The Evolution of the International Normative Regime for Outer Space”,  Securing the Peaceful Use of Space for Future Generations, Project Ploughshares Waterloo, ON, Canada, May 24

UAVs, Privacy, and the Law” 2012 Unmanned Aerial Systems Symposium, Mississippi State University, Starkville, May 16

“Space Law and the Business Ecosystem”,  Space: the Business Frontier Conference, Harvard Business School, Boston, April 29

Space and International Law: The Emerging Trend of Non-Binding  Agreements to Address National Security”, 7th Annual International Ilan Ramon Space Conference, Tel Aviv, January 29


“The U.N. Principles Relating to Remote Sensing of the Earth from Outer Space”, “Soft Law” in Outer Space – The Function of Non-Binding Norms in International Space Law, University of Vienna, Apr.2.

“Legal Implications for Delimitation of Airspace and Outer Space”, IISL and ECSL Space Law Symposium: A New Look on the Delimitation of  Airspace and Outer Space, UNCOPUOS Legal Subcommittee, Vienna, Austria, March 28, 2011


Legal Implications of the 2010 U.S. National Space Policy”, American Bar Association Forum on Air & Space Law, Panel Moderator, Washington, DC, Feb. 10


Benefits of Becoming a Party to the UN Treaties on Outer Space”, United Nations/Thailand/European Space Agency (ESA) Workshop on Space Law “Activities of States in Outer Space in Light of New Developments: Meeting International Responsibilities and Establishing National Legal and Policy Frameworks”, Bangkok, Thailand, 16-19 November

A Brief Survey of Remote Sensing Law Around the World”, United Nations/Thailand/European Space Agency (ESA) Workshop on Space Law “Activities of States in Outer Space in Light of New Developments: Meeting International Responsibilities and Establishing National Legal and Policy Frameworks”, Bangkok, Thailand, 16-19 November

“The U.S. Space Law Regime”, United Nations/Thailand/European Space Agency (ESA) Workshop on Space Law “Activities of States in Outer Space in Light of New Developments: Meeting International Responsibilities and Establishing National Legal and Policy Frameworks”, Bangkok, Thailand, 16-19 November

“Experience in Teaching Space Law in other States and Regions”, United Nations/Thailand/European Space Agency (ESA) Workshop on Space Law “Activities of States in Outer Space in Light of New Developments: Meeting International Responsibilities and Establishing National Legal and Policy Frameworks”, Bangkok, Thailand, 16-19 November

Overview of Legal Issues with Debris Removal”, Beijing Orbital Debris   Mitigation Workshop, Beihang Univ., Beijing, China Oct. 19.

“A Brief Survey of Remote sensing Law Around the World”, European Space Agency, Oil & Gas/EO Service Industry Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 14-15 Sept.

“The International Space Station Agreement”, Space Law Seminar, Beihang Univ., Beijing, China June 25.

The United States of America National Space Law Regime: Public, Private, and Commercial, University of Warsaw School of Law, March 16, Warsaw, Poland.

“U.S. Space Law”, U.S.A.F. Air War College, Aug. Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, AL., Aug. 24.

“Satellite Navigation and Emerging Space Law,” American Bar Association Forum on Air & Space Law, Panelist, Jan. 27, Washington, DC


“Orbital Debris and the Law: A Beginner’s Guide“, Washington Space Business Round Table, December 8, Washington, DC

“The United States of America National Space Law Regime”, ”, U.N./Islamic Republic of Iran Workshop on Space Law – Role of   International Space Law in the Development and Strengthening of International and Regional Cooperation in the Peaceful Exploration and Use of Outer Space, jointly organized with and hosted by the Iranian Space Agency and supported by the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, 9 November, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

“A Brief Survey of Remote Sensing Law Around the World”, U.N./Islamic Republic of Iran Workshop on Space Law – Role of International Space Law in the Development and Strengthening of International and Regional Cooperation in the Peaceful Exploration and Use of Outer Space, jointly organized with and hosted by the Iranian Space Agency and supported by the Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, 10 November, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran

“Space Law: Its Cold War Origins and Challenges in the Era of Globalization” Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University Nov. 2, NYC

“Careers in Law Teaching,” Cardozo School of Law, Yeshiva University Nov. 2, NYC

“Where Does Aviation Law End and Space Law Begin?”, NASA Kennedy Space Flight Center Chief Counsel Strategic Meeting, Oct 28,  St. Pete, FL.

Satellite Collisions, Space Debris and the Liability Convention”, International Law Weekend, 88TH Annual Meeting of the American Branch of the  International Law Association, Oct. 24, NYC.

Legal and Policy Issues Surrounding Orbital Debris, Space Situational Awareness, and Traffic Management”, American Bar Association Forum on Air & Space Law, 25 September, Chicago.

“Origins and Characteristics of the Space Law Treaty Regime”, Air War College, Aug. 29, Maxwell AFB, AL

“Another Giant Leap: Air and Space Law”, One Giant Leap Program, Boston Museum of Science, 13 May, Boston, MA.

“Introduction to Law of the International Space Station and Earth Observations”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March 15, Cambridge, MA.

“Engineering the U.S. Constitution: An Interdisciplinary Look at How the   Framers Used Science and Systems Theory to Inform the Law and Govern a Nation”, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, March 17, Cambridge, MA.

“US National Law and Regulation Pertinent to Exploiting NEOs: an Overview of Potential Precedents and Principles”, Conference on Near-Earth Objects: Risks, Responses and Opportunities – Legal Aspects, April 24, Lincoln, NE.

“Some Legal Implications of a National Legislature Granting On-Orbit Licensing Authority to a National Agency”, 12th Annual FAA Commercial

Space Transportation Conference, Feb. 5, Washington, DC


“Researching, Identifying and Establishing Standard Procedures to Certify Digital Data for Use in Court Procedures under the U.S. Federal Rules of  Evidence”, University College of London, December 5, London, UK.

“Archiving: Ensuring the Value of Statistics from Space for the Long Term”, Statistics from Space Convening Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Seattle, Washington, November 5.

“The New National Space Laws of France and Japan and Cosmos 954”, NASA Kennedy Space Flight Center Chief Counsel Strategic Meeting, Oct 28,  St. Pete, FL.

“Space Law In The Globalization Era”, The Judge Advocate General’s Legal Center and School, University of Virginia School of Law, June 18.

Celestial Speed Traps”: Space Law In The 21st Century”, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology 24 June


“Origins, Characteristics, and Some Open Questions of the Space Law Treaty Regime”, Nov. 19, NASA Kennedy Space Center Senior Leadership Briefing 

“The Land Remote Sensing Laws and Policies of National Governments: A Global Survey”, 58th International Astronautical Congress, Sept. 28, Bangalore, India.

“U.S. Remote Sensing Law” International Forum on Air and Space Law,  of June 25 – 26, 2006, Beijing, China.

“The Land Remote Sensing Laws and Policies of National Governments: A Global Survey”, Univertisty of Nebraska School of Law, March 1, Lincoln, NE.


Status and Development of U.S. National Space Law and Its Application of  International Space Law Elements”, United Nations/Ukraine Workshop on Space Law “Status, Application and Progressive Development of International and National Space Law” Kyiv, Ukraine, 6-9 November 2006

“The Disasters Charter: An Introductory Overview” Keio University, August 21, Tokyo, Japan

The Public Sector, the Private Sector and Data Products”, Indian Space Research Organization, Aug. 9, Bangalore, India.

“Charter on Cooperation to Achieve the Coordinated Use of Space Facilities in the Event of Natural or Technological Disasters (Disasters Charter): Introduction, Initial Issues and Experiences” Legal Aspects of Disaster Management and the Contribution of the Law of Outer Space 45th Session of the Legal Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, April 3, Vienna, Austria.


International and U.S Remote Sensing Law and Policy: An Overview”

ISPRS International Conference on Advanced Remote Sensing for Earth Observation; Systems, Techniques, and Applications: Remote Sensing Arabia: for the Betterment of People Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, May 2005

“U.S. Space Law”  and “Remote Sensing Law Around the World”, United Nations/Nigeria Workshop on Space Law “Meeting international responsibilities and addressing domestic needs”, Abuja, Nigeria, 21-24 November 2005


Comments on Remote Sensing Law Discussion Paper”, United Nations/Brazil Workshop on Space Law “Disseminating and Developing International and National Space Law: the Latin America and Caribbean Perspective”, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 22-25 November 2004

International Cooperation/Competition: the Legal Aspects Stepping Stones to the Future of Space Workshop Space Nat’l Acad. of Sciences


Principles Adopted by the U.N. General Assembly” and  “Origins and Characteristics of the Space Law Treaty Regime”, United Nations/Republic of Korea Workshop on Space Law “United Nations Treaties on Outer Space: Actions at the National Level”, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, 3-6 November 2003

The 1992 Land Remote Sensing Policy Act: its Evolution and Changes 11 Years Later, U.S. Commercial Remote Sensing Conference

Space Law: Its Cold War Origins and Century Challenges in the Era of Globalization, Donahue Lecture Series Suffolk U. L. Rev. (November 13)

Geospatial Data and the Founding and Exploration of the United States, USGS/Eros Data Center 30th Anniversary

Legal Issues Using Satellite, Aerial and UAV Platforms, Miss. St U., Nat’l Consortium on Remote Sensing for Transportation – Environment

The National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive in the Department of the Interior – Recommendations of The Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive Advisory Committee, Presented to U.S. Dept. of the Interior Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton

Data, Information, Confidentiality and the Legal Landscape, NASA Public Health Applications Program Nat’l Acad. of Sciences

Licensing and the Landsat Story: Law and Policy 1972 – 2003, Nat’l Research Council Committee on Licensing Geographic Data and Services

A Beginner’s Guide to U.S. Satellite System Data Law and Policy, USGS Nat’l Wetlands Research Center

The UN Registration Convention and the Practice of States: The United    States of America, Int’l’l Inst. of Space Law and European Center of       Space Law Symposium at the UN Legal Subcommittee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space

A Brief Survey of Remote Sensing Law Around the World, Dept. of  Commerce/NOAA Advisory Committee on Commercial Remote Sensing


United Nations/International Institute of Air and Space Law Workshop on  Capacity Building in Space Law, The Hague, Netherlands, 18-21 November 2002

Legal Implications of National  Security Operations in Space: Space Warfare and Law Enforcement, Outer Space Law and Policy & Nat’l Concerns in the 21st Century: A Cantigny Conference, the ABA Standing Committee on Law and Nat’l Security

From Satellite to Sea: Remote Sensing Applications in Maritime Law, AALS Annual Meeting Sec. on Maritime Law


The U.S. Domestic Space Law Regime (or as much as is reasonable to   attempt to address in a single presentation), Am. Astronautical Society Int’l Programs Committee Workshop on Int’l Legal Regimes Governing Space Activities


The Legal Foundation of a Landsat Data Continuity Mission, NASA-USGS Landsat Data Continuity Mission Workshop

Remote Sensing Imaging for Environmental Law Applications, A View from Space: Digital Earth Applications in Environmental Law and Resource Management The Washington C. of Law at the Am. U.


A Beginner’s Guide to Space Law, Center for the Study of Law, Science and Tech., Ariz. St. U. C. of Law

Remote Sensing: Data Availability for Commercial Use, Space Law Forum 2000: Legal Developments & Challenges Facing the Space Industry, Int’l Space Business Council Nat’l Press Club

The National Land Remote Sensing Data Archive Advisory Committee, 1998 – 2000, Dr. Charles Groat, Director, USGS, Mr. Richard E. Witmer, Chief Nat’l Mapping Division, USGS, USGS Headquarters

The National  Land Remote Sensing Data Archive Advisory Committee, 1998 – 2000, Am. Soc’y of Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing,


Remote Sensing Policies, Pecora 14 – Land Satellite Information III Conference

Environmental Planning: Global Ecosystem Analysis, Pecora 14 – Land   Satellite Information III Conference

The State of Remote Sensing Law and Policy at the Turn of the 21st Century, Landsat 7 Science Team, Goddard Space Flight Center

Expanding Global Remote Sensing Services: Three Fundamental Considerations, USGS/EROS Data Center

Expanding Global Remote Sensing Services: Three Fundamental Considerations,  Int’l Inst. of Space Law, at the United Nations UNISPACE            III Conference

The Outer Space Treaty and USAF Space Command’s “Space Control” Concept, Political Studies Students’ Conference, U. of Manitoba


The Science of Federalism: Past and Present, The National Research Council, Washington, DC

Of Faith, Framers and Farmers: A Space Odyssey, U. Of North Dakota Faculty Lecture Series

The Science of Federalism: Past and Present, The NASA Global Change Data and Information System Working Group

Teaching Remote Sensing Law and Policy via Distance Learning Technologies, Int’l Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium


The Basic Characteristics of Space Law, FPSpace Int’l Workshop, sponsored by Friends and Partners in Space and Youth Space Center Bauman Moscow Technical University and Moscow Aviation Institute, Moscow, Russia

Environmental Law Provisions in U.S. Federal Remote Sensing Law, N.Y.U Envtl. L.J. Colloquium

Pending Remote Sensing Legislation in the 105th Congress, Landsat Science Advisory Group Goddard Space Flight Center


The Legal and Policy Foundations of The National Land Remote Sensing Data Archive,  USGS/EROS Data Center

“The Science of Federalism: Past and Present” Pecora 13 – Human Interactions with the Environment, USGS EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD.

Summer Seminar Series on Remote Sensing Law and Policy, USGS EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD.

Remote Sensing & Federalism: Facts and Futures

Post Cold War Remote Sensing Law

Remote Sensing Law and Privacy

Basic Characteristics of the Space Law Regime: Foundation for International Cooperation

Remote Sensing and Privacy, National Research Council Committee on Precision Agriculture


Imaging the Earth: International Legal and Policy Issues, 33rd Am. Astronautical Soc’y Goddard Space Symposium

Earth Observation Networks: Laws, Policies, Institutions, Am. Ass’n for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting


Remote Sensing Law: Obstacle or Opportunity for GIS?, Specialist Meeting on Law, Information Policy, and Spatial Databases, National Center for Geographic Info. & Analysis and the Center for the Ariz. St. U.C. of Law

Earth Observations: Genesis of 21st Century Institutions, What is the Value of Space Exploration? Symposium, NASA and the U of MD at the National Geographic Soc’y

A Brief History of U.S. Remote Sensing Law, World Data Center Directors Annual Meeting, Goddard Space Flight Center.


The Land Remote Sensing Policy Act of 1992, Pecora 12- A Symposium  on Land Information from Space-Based Systems, USGS EROS Data Center


Gabrynowicz, J. et al., The Case for International Cooperation on Hypersonic Technology Development, Fourth Int’l Aerospace Planes Conference

Leadership in the 21st Century, U. Of ND Leadership Conference with James MacGregor Burns

Space Law: Some of its Nonadversarial Cold War Roots and Post Cold War Possibilities, AALS Section on Aviation and Space Law


Space Law and Feminist Jurisprudence, Int’l Inst. of Space Law, 34th Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space

Remote Sensing and the Emerging Ethic of Care, National Legal Center for the Public Interest, Federal Bar Association, The Third Annual Symposium on the Law and Outer Space, Georgetown U.


The Concept of the ‘Rule of Law, Panelist for Commission on Law and Government, U.S.-U.S.S.R. Forum sponsored by Pepperdine U. At West Point Military Acad.


Precedents Set by the International Space Station Agreement, Session Chair, Space Station Panel, World Futures Society


First International Conference on Hypersonic Flight in the 21st Century, Session Chair, U. of North Dakota

Legal Implications of Hypersonic Flight

Public Policy and Environmental Implications            


Space Development and the American Experiment: A Context and Model for International Progress, Space Studies Inst. Princeton U.


The Space Settlement Papers, the National Commission on Space


The American Experiment: A Systems Approach to Human Government, Space Studies Inst. Princeton U.

Organizer: Conferences, Symposia, Panels, Speakers and Webcasts


U.S. – China Student Space Law Research Symposium and Live Blogcast, University of Mississippi School of Law, April 11, Oxford, MS.

The 7th Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law: Global and Regional Space Organizations and the Law, Dec. 6, Cosmos Club, Washington D.C.

U.S. Commercial Space Law: A Practitioner’s “Tool Box” , June 12, 2012, Washington, DC


The 6th Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law: A Comparative Look at National Space Laws and Their International Implications, Dec. 1, Cosmos Club, Washington D.C.

The Future of Commercial Space Law and Regulation, Washington, D.C. June 7, Jones Day

US-China Student Space Law Research Symposium, Beijing Institute of Technology School of Law, Beijing, May 16 – 20


The 5th Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law: Art. IX of the Outer Space Treaty and Peaceful Purposes: Issues and Implementation. Dec. 2, Cosmos Club, Washington D.C.

U.S. – China Student Space Law Research Symposium and Live Blogcast,

University of Mississippi School of Law, March 3, Oxford, MS,


The 4th Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law: International Cooperation for Peaceful Purposes, Dec. 10, Cosmos Club, Washington D.C.


The 3rd Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law: Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty, Issues and Implementation, Cosmos Club, Dec. 11, Washington D.C.

The 2nd International Conference on the State of Remote Sensing Law, Jan., University of Mississippi School of Law


The 2nd Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law:           

International Civil Space Cooperation: Obstacles and Opportunities, Cosmos Club, Dec. 6, Washington D.C.

Space Law in the Era of Globalization –  A Roundtable Discussion, Jan. University of Mississippi School of Law


The 1st  Eilene M. Galloway Symposium on Critical Issues in Space Law, Cosmos Club, Dec. 11, Washington D.C.

Divergences and Convergences: A Symposium Addressing Space Law and Intellectual Property Regime, Sep. 19, University of Mississippi   School of Law


The Law, Geospatial Information and Homeland Security

The Legal Applications of Geospatial Data and Information: A Conference


The 1st International Conference on the State of Remote Sensing Law

Student Remote Sensing and Space Law Research 2001 – 2002, Presented to Mr. Paul Pastorek, NASA General Counsel

A Legal Assistant’s Guide to Legal Applications of Geospatial Information –  A Workshop: Learn how to use satellite and aerial images, databases, maps and more in your cases.

The Real World of Space Technology and Politics: from Two Who Have    Been There

“Commercialization” and “Privatization” as Defined in the NASA 2000 Authorization Act,

The Role of the Federal Aviation Administration in Commercial Space     


The Remote Sensing Industry: A CEO Forum

The National Satellite Land Remote Sensing Data Archive: What it is, What it Does, What it Can Do For You


What is the Value of Space Exploration?- A Prairie Symposium

A NASA-funded, North Dakota wide, two-evening, 6-town, interactive symposium conducted via satellite.

“Remote Sensing: the Emerging Era” Organizer and Panel Chair, U.S. Space Found. Conference Forum on Remote Sensing


UND Leadership Conference with James MacGregor Burns.

A university-wide conference that involved the departments of history, womens studies, nursing, and political science, among others and a state-  wide IVN seminar. Dr. Burns is a political scientist who was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award for his book, Leadership.

Organizer, Women, Leadership, and Space

Pine-to-Prairie Girl Scout Council. Attending scouts earned aerospace badges.


Organizer, Worlds of Women Conference at UND

Pine to Prairie Girl Scout Council. Girls spend two days hearing from, and visiting with, UND faculty women  in law, science, political, medical, and engineering careers. The conference concluded with girls choosing a hands-on project in the career field of her choice and making a presentation based on it.